Cave Creek’s council and mayoral election results are very interesting indeed. Ernie Bunch is said to have some political baggage (don’t we all), but stands head and shoulders above Anna Marsolo in qualifications for the job.
Once seated this council will not lack for fireworks. While the majority appear to embrace a similar agenda there returns Eileen Wright stepping out from the shadow of Reg’s over-sized hat to lead the opposition. And, I suppose, opposing points of view are healthy, especially on the municipal level. Plus, since all politics are local, perhaps this outcome is a forecast of the upcoming national election. I’ll give the Democrats a seat or two as long as the Republicans sweep the field, House, Senate and White House.
Ernie out polling Anna, voters, thanks a Bunch. But, as this new group takes the reins let us take Ronald Reagan’s sound advice: “Trust, but verify.
Randy Edwards
Cave Creek