Why is Jerry Brown called “Governor Moonbeam?”

When one asks the question of why California Governor Jerry Brown is often referred to as Governor Moonbeam it is not just because his first term was at the end of the “hippie” era. It is also because of the many stupid ideas he promotes, such as building a high speed rail passenger line. This thing could bankrupt California if it is ever built.

But Arizona is also joining this stupidity, as evidenced by the headline in the recent Phoenix Business Journal “ADOT PRPOPOSING PASSENGER RAIL ROUTE OPTIONS.” The idea is to build a passenger rail line between Phoenix and Tucson. This ridiculous proposal would be extremely wasteful and inefficient and, in a word, really stupid. The whole idea of passenger rail in an era of self driving cars makes no sense but, in a state like Arizona, with a low population density, it makes even less sense.

ADOT is still an executive agency so I encourage anyone with an ounce of fiscal sanity to contact Governor Ducey and urge him to put a stake through the heart of this monster…..before it comes to life and devours our state finances. One moonbeam governor in the west is enough.

Roy Miller
