Every day our government relations team meets with members of Congress and their staff to beat back the left’s radical agenda and advance conservative policies.
But that alone isn’t enough. Your Representative needs to hear from constituents to stand up for the conservative policies he was elected to uphold.
You can help us provide the one-two punch by becoming a Heritage Action Sentinel.
Sentinels hold their Representatives accountable for each and every vote they cast. And they work with members of Congress to influence their decisions and to stiffen their backbones in a tough fight.
Too often we hear members of Congress ask why they should vote against more spending, when no one in their district seems to care — it’s time for you to show your Congressman that you care.
I’d like you to take the first step today by filling out an influence profile online here: www.heritageaction.com/sentinel
Someone from our grassroots team will reach out to learn more about the issues you care about and get you started with the right resources and coaching to increase your influence.
I look forward to working together to hold your member accountable to advancing conservative policy.
Dan Ziegler, Director
Heritage Action for America