According TO PVT South

Dearly Beloved–Big Headline in the USA Today-Wednesday March the 8th, Wiki Leaks-CIA can hack into phones, TV’s, Everything. Intelligent agency has now lost control of most of its cyber attack arsenal, anti-dash secrecy site says. OK–Now you must put on your thinking cap and ponder if Queen Hillary had won, would all this Wiki Leak info had come out and how hard would she try to shut it down? Unfortunately the press and news media would have helped a lot, and you must now look around and notice what America has become after just eight years of Obama. Did you notice all the Democrats in the House of Congress when President Trump made his first address to the nation? All those stone faces looked like what you would see posted on any Post Office wall.

Everyday the Democrats are outraged over whatever comes out of the White House, but what about the Democratic Party and what they did to Bernie Sanders rigging the Democratic Primary? How about that–no matter how many votes he received Hillary would come out on top. OK–who made that decision to fix the race, and who in the Democratic Party gave the OK to do it? Everyone knew the fix was in, but the Democrats don’t want to talk about it. It’s kind of like the father having a 14 year old daughter who is a little pregnant, everyone knows about it but nobody wants to talk about it.

Question: Would you consider the source Wiki Leaks with all of its critical information to be a Hero or a Traitor? Ok…So have a nice day.

PVT South