According to PVT South

Dearly Beloved, not long ago Obama gave Queen Hillary a get out of jail free card when he endorsed her to replace him as Commander In Chief while she was still under an FBI cloud. The Queen then got a pass from the FBI that put her on another cloud we call Cloud 9. So what did Obama know and when did he know it? Early on Sen. Chuck Schumer stated on TV that its time America had a female President, with Hillary in mind. With all the smart women in the U.S. Hillary is what the Democratic Party wants to give America. (the second time around) Before Chuck Schumer the late and great William Safire of the New York Times had a column about the Queen stating (Hillary Clinton is a congenital liar) and the beat goes on. You can even check it out. Even though Hillary did get a pass from the FBI they concluded she was extremely careless with her computer.

In the past Hitler had Goebbels promoting (a lie is as good as the truth if everyone believes it). Obama had Axelrod basically doing the same thing that got him elected and unfortunately re-elected. (Remember you can keep your doctor) It was obvious from the jump that drones should be for government use only because now we have drones that shoot real bullets and another was a flame-thrower. (Get ready for hit jobs and forest fires) BMW came out and stated they will have a driverless car in 2021. (WHY)? OK – will they allow the driverless car on the Autobahn where there is no speed limit. PVT South drove on the Autobahn in 1957 – Hitler actually designed it for his tanks for obvious reasons. That’s where General Eisenhower got the idea for the interstates here at home.

Would the Democratic party have to re-invent itself if in the future – to be eligible to vote in the U.S. one would have to be an American citizen 21 years of age, have a job and pay taxes, not be on any kind of government assistance and can speak English. Dearly Beloved, that’s how you keep your powder dry.

PVT South
