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December 23-29, 2015


For All Signs: Christmas 2015 is distinctive in that it happens to occur on the full Moon of Cancer. Those with snow on the ground will enjoy a classic Christmas Card scenario. The sign of Cancer is all about nurturing and caretaking those who are hungry, lost and without a home. This year many in the U.S. and over the world have no home or place of safety. We who are warm and well fed should be grateful for our good fortune and generous to those who do not have such benefits. Christmas follows on the heels of the winter solstice, the darkest day of the year. As it becomes clear that the sun will, in fact, return, we celebrate the birth of hope for new life within our psyches and on the planet. May each of you experience a personal awareness of hope and expectation of joy in the year to come. (Mercury will change directions next week on Jan. 5 in the sign of Capricorn.)

: Mercury will be interfering with you for the next couple of weeks. It is not a good time to make important decisions or to sign contracts. You don’t yet have enough information. Equipment breakage or software snafus may interfere with your quiet time during this week.

: Love and social life are highly favored during the days around Christmas. Gifts, whether given or received are meaningful. You have favorable aspects concerning romance and family life. Your creative energies are high and you may be enjoying beautiful things.

: Experiences of this week give you joy and gratitude for your family. Travel and communing with loved ones at a distance is favored. The temptation to overspend is strong. Consider what would be fun and interesting that doesn't require a big expenditure.

: Your mind and heart are clearly in sync at this time. You are likely at peace with yourself. There is a solid and practical solution at hand and you do not have to quarrel with yourself over it. Activities involving your Partner and/or other creative products of your being are favored.

Leo: Christmas is a season you generally love, although you often overwork. This year you are particularly mindful of that which represents spirit in your life. You see the meaning in things more than is your norm. You are especially likely to find delight in certain movies, theater or books.

Virgo: This appears to be a happy week for you. There is particular emphasis on the areas of romance and children. You are enjoying all celebrations. Your frame of mind is expansive and optimistic. You want to talk to everybody in sight, but particularly to those closest to you.

Libra: You have favorable aspects from Venus between the 24th and the 26th. You will likely be engaging in social activities that please you over this holiday. Don’t drink and drive on New Year’s Eve. Stay home. There may be an accident concerning your home or property that you could avoid.

Scorpio: Whatever you begin now will likely have to be done again within the next month. Think new activities through carefully. Aspects approaching Christmas are favorable, but your physical and emotional cycles are dragging from the 29th through New Year’s. Stay out of harm’s way and don’t push your body beyond what it seems willing to do.

Sagittarius: You have a desire to reach outward to others. You want to share ideas and express yourself in a larger framework. An “angel” in the background is speaking well of you and this is likely to help your career. Your ideas are meaningful and will generate interesting conversations.

Capricorn: Mercury is in your sign and will turn retrograde on Jan. 5th. It is already affecting your routine life. Have you noticed multiple changes in your calendar, issues with your computer, communication problems, or travels going awry? Have a sense of humor and blame it on Mercury.

Aquarius: Give careful attention to your car and also to any machinery you may be handling. Equipment breakdowns are possible. Of course they always come at highly inconvenient times. Be prepared with backup or extra parts. Your reflexes are off. Use caution with the world of the physical during this period.

: Your imagination could go overboard this week and you might be overly reactive to imagined slights. Double check on facts, data, and directions that come your way. Pay careful attention to communications and messages. You are prone to hear/read what you expect and that may not be what was intended.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Visit http//