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June 25 –July 1, 2014


For All Signs: We continue to be dealing with the harsh Mars/Uranus energy that is very near to squaring Pluto. Tempers flare easily under this aspect. If you are feeling irritable, cross, or outright angry, the most useful thing you can do with that adrenaline is exercise or use your large muscles in some way. Drive carefully because many will be enjoying their road rage. Alongside that, this week we have Mercury turning direct on July 1. Hallelujah! Since Dec. of 2013 we have had Venus, then Mercury, then Mars, and then Mercury retrograde a second time. No breaks. If you have wondered why it has been impossible to get anything new rolling, this is your reason. These retrogrades have disrupted corporate bodies all over the world, as well as we, the peons on the ground.

Aries: You and your partner may need some time apart and this is a good time to take it. Otherwise, old issues may suddenly rise out of nowhere and generate dramatic disagreements. If difficulties arise, count to 10 and return to your corner to clarify thoughts before speaking. Nobody listens to a rager.

Taurus: If finances are an issue, leave the credit cards at home. You may run into something or someone that you imagine will make your life wonderful. Give it some time and see if you still feel the same in a week or two. Issues that have been brewing for a while in relationship(s) are coming to a turning point. You and another may be vying for emotional control.

Gemini: Be truly careful with your sense of direction now. Love life, which has been going very well, is subject to go awry for reasons that are so deeply unconscious you may never understand. If there is an issue, bring it up and talk it through until both of you feel satisfied. Don’t leave anything to the imagination.

Cancer: You are conflicted on the subject of romance versus caretaking, which is your natural instinct. Perhaps you are caught in the middle between the needs of a spouse and your children. Sometimes a Cancerian becomes a parent to the partner, which usually creates a troubled atmosphere. Set aside decisions on these matters until you are more centered.

Leo: During the next two weeks you will be contemplating your existence. You are thinking about how you can position yourself in order to feel more sense of meaning in your work, your family, and your relationships. Some may be pondering on the level of the spiritual. “What is the ‘best’ that I can become?” The muse is with you and your intuition is high.

Virgo: You’ve been sitting on the fence for quite some time about your next direction. This could be about your career or overall purpose and how to contribute your energy to the world. Now that Mercury is turning direct, you may be feeling a bit less anxious about it. Something is beginning to gel that makes sense. Another couple of weeks should make it really clear.

Libra: Someone may tug at your heartstrings and cause you to really work to make things better. Put some limits on your energy and make it a point to keep track of just who has the problem here. Give if you must, but don’t break the bank. You may be the one who feels mistreated, and if so, you are making a bigger issue than what is.

Scorpio: It is necessary that you give attention to an issue of control that threatens to split one or more of your relationships. Either one of you may be the one who is seeking power and it may be quite subtle. Step out of these games and take the high road with your Eagle Self.

Sagittarius: It is possible that you will be “over-the-top” with your predictions and expectations of positive outcomes. If you are feeling that buzzing excitement, perhaps you are. Don’t make promises right now, to yourself or to others. Don’t borrow money or give it away. Handle finances judiciously.

Capricorn: Changes may be occurring in your primary relationship. One or the other of you is probably trying to hang onto what is familiar. Changes and growth must be allowed to happen or the relationship will become stale. Let things flow naturally. Don't jump to conclusions or make problems bigger than they are.

Aquarius: Read the lead paragraph carefully. It is particularly important that you drive and handle tools carefully during this period. Don’t allow yourself to get in a hurry to go anywhere, lest you meet with an accident. This might be on foot or in a vehicle. You may feel temperamental and in the mood to keep your own company this week.

Pisces: The green light is on for romance. Beware that you are in a sensitive frame of mind and may misinterpret that which is said to you. You may be the one who hears what you want to hear. So take your impressions with a grain of salt until you clarify what was originally intended.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. (There is a fee.) Visit