FEBRUARY 20, 2013

Foothills Food Bank & Resource Center races for cancer

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CAVE CREEK – The third annual Cancer Society Relay for Life is set for Saturday, April 20 and Sunday, April 21, 2013 from 5 p.m. Saturday until 5 a.m. on Sunday at Cactus Shadows High School.

Foothills Food Bank & Resource Center participants will meet at the track and walk it through the night. The food bank also is selling luminarias for $10 to support the cause.

To serve as a relay team member, enter online at: Cave Creek Relay for Life and go to Foothills Food Bank.

To make a donation, visit the Foothills Food Bank and Resource Center website and click on the Cave Creek Relay for Life tab, foothillsfoodbank.com or send a check to the American Cancer Society.

Scottsdale DAR welcomes eight new members in January

The Grand Canyon Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, of Scottsdale, welcomed eight new members in January. (l-r) Katie Paulsen, Regent; Marian Hulka, Chaplain; Linda Schaeffer; Tracy Justinak; Cynthia Thompson; Kitty Stayskal; Bonnie Walker; Kathleen Liermann; Sarah Ziker; Marjorie Collins, Membership Chairman; Jessie Wicks.
To learn more about the work of today's DAR, visit www.DAR.org, for for more information on the Grand Canyon Chapter of Scottsdale, visit grand

Lincoln Republican Women Meeting

SCOTTSDALE – Lincoln Republican Women will meet Monday, March 4 at 5:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Millennium Resort Scottsdale, 7401 N. Scottsdale Road. Spouses are welcome.

For reservations call Frances 480-620-6873. The cost of the dinner meeting is $28.