VOL. 17 ISSUE NO. 44   | NOVEMBER 2 – 8, 2011


Cold Case Posse delivering on Arpaio’s promise

Records and narratives about Obama’s birth seem to indicate Obama Sr. may not actually be Obama’s biological father

joe arpaioPHOENIX – After being petitioned by the Surprise Tea Party to look into the allegations that the birth certificate Obama released on April 27 was a forgery, Arpaio promised he would look into the matter subsequently asked his Cold Case Posse to investigate.

Last week, Arpaio told the Surprise Tea Party, although he couldn’t discuss an open investigation, the posse has discovered some new evidence about Obama that even they’d find shocking.

At that same meeting, Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq., who has represented plaintiffs in myriad complaints contesting Obama’s constitutional eligibility to hold the office of president of the United States, presented Arpaio with evidence indicating Obama is using a fraudulent Social Security number.

Since undertaking the investigation, the posse has determined it needs to examine not only the original paper birth documents supposedly on file at the Hawaii Department of Health but the entire microfilm records containing Obama’s birth record, as opposed to Obama’s microfilm record isolated from the others in the batch, as it would be relatively simple to forge an individual microfilm record as compared to forging an entire reel of microfilm records.

Anomalies with Obama’s birth records include the certificate number, which bears a higher number than the Nordyke twins, who were born a day after Obama and whose births were registered three days later than Obama’s.

Additionally, the posse is reviewing other records and narratives about Obama’s birth that seem to indicate Obama Sr. may not actually be Obama’s biological father.

According to Jerome Corsi, author of the best-seller: “Where’s the Birth Certificate?” the posse’s investigation is far-reaching and has assembled approximately 2,000 pages of evidence.

The posse is also reviewing evidence that Obama is fraudulently using a Connecticut-issued Social Security number that was never assigned to him.

Arpaio indicated the posse has turned up evidence that even Birthers would find shocking, but declined to elaborate.

However, if the posse is able to prove the allegations regarding Obama’s birth certificate and Social Security number, it could prevent him from appearing on the ballot in 2012.