Guest Editorial

mencken's ghostBY MENCKEN'S GHOST  |  MARCH 9, 2011

Latest poll:  Americans clueless and unethical

The findings of the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll show that most Americans are clueless and unethical. 

Let’s begin with the clueless:
When asked if it will be necessary to cut Medicare and Social Security significantly to reduce the deficit, about eight of 10 respondents either said that they didn’t know or that it will not be necessary.
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Guest Editorial

sheldon richmanBY SHELDON RICHMAN  |  MARCH 9, 2011

Stay out of Libya

It’s good to see that the Pentagon is unenthusiastic about military intervention in Libya. But that hasn’t stopped armchair generals such as Sen. John Kerry from pushing for a no-fly zone over that country.

Kerry thinks he can make his plan more appealing by couching it in internationalist terms, but we know the American people would bear the brunt of the burden. Kerry is joined by Sens. Joe Lieberman and John McCain, the Senate’s two most obnoxious militarists.   Keep Reading...