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SB 1070 – What to do now

By Pamela Gorman | May 12, 2010

pamela gormanWhat the left really needs now is for those who simply want our federal immigration laws enforced to get riled up by the rallies against SB1070 and come out swinging. My advice? Don’t let them draw you out.

SB1070 only set in state law what was already in federal law. This “codifying” of federal law with mirrored state law is nothing new. There are many instances where we do this at the state level for various reasons, sometimes at the behest of a federal mandate. In this case, Arizona chose to do it out of necessity because the feds simply haven’t put the resources in place to make enforcement of their own laws a priority it needs to be in order to keep Americans safe in Arizona. As a state legislator, I worked on these issues for years and the response from the left is always the same tired rhetoric. Let’s be clear: There is nothing inherently “racist” about securing our borders or giving law enforcement the tools it needs to enforce the rule of law.  

But, in terms of what we do next? We should be diligent in repeating the truth about SB1070 and not allow the left to frame the argument as something other than what it is. This is best done through civil discourse in letters, blogs, social media, and the like. What we should NOT do is let them taunt us into heated responses to their ridiculous rallies. Remember, we just had a win. We do not need to argue or do grass roots work to secure that win. We have it. It’s “in the can” as they say and will become the law of the land in less than 90 days. Those of us who cherish safety for our citizens and respect the importance of the rule of law can celebrate that fact. We have nothing more to gain by fighting to convince anyone here to pass the laws necessary to allow our state to battle the problems we face. The law is passed.

The left is going to attempt to engage you on all fronts to find that one emotionally charged exchange they can play over and over again as an “example” of how awful we all are. I implore you NOT to let them do this. When they rally, let them rally. We won. Their orchestrated efforts now are nothing more than organized sniveling. See it for the pathetic waste of time and emotional energy that it is. Don’t let it get your blood pressure up or cause you to respond in like fananticism.

Let the law go into effect. The sky will not fall and the sun will surely rise every morning on Arizona. Keep your words and yours actions above the fray and always respectful of the right to publicly congregate to exercise free speech. In doing so, you will have beaten the a second time, by not giving them fodder for more news stories that give credibility to their snivel fests.

So, what to do with all of your free time now that we are finished with the task of encouraging the passage of the law? I would like to suggest that you put it directly into working to elect people who will work to keep good laws in place and vote to protect Americans from enemies (both foreign and domestic). Knock on doors, make phone calls, stuff envelopes, host fundraisers, send emails on their behalf. You have proven that you have the passion to give of your time and talents to make a noise and put our shared values on the map as “real” and not contrived “Astroturf” as the left had suggested early on. Now, take that passion to the pavement and make a real difference in electing people who agree with you and are willing to make the sacrifice of running for office. Once they are in, they will need continued support to remind them who they represent when the pressures weigh down on them. (So save those homemade signs … you may need them). But, let’s not get the cart before the horse. First you need to get like-minded people past their opponents and into office. Only you can do that. There is not a line of “others” willing to do that work. The “others” are focused on working for candidates that will NOT represent the values you have fought so hard to be heard on.

Dollars are pouring in by the hundreds of thousands to elect more moderate candidates who will likely support the very policies you were originally so frustrated with that you gave up countless hours to rally and meet in groups. The beneficiaries of corporate bail outs and big government spending “get it” and are sending in donations in huge amounts to assure a victory for a sympathetic vote in Congress that will carry on the misguided and America-busting policies of the last several years. In the money race, real conservatives are not fairing as well and may not have the resources needed to communicate with enough voters to inform them that there is a real choice in this election. Will you let them beat you, after all this, by simply doing nothing to stop their victory over your own conservative candidate?

I once heard a donor tell me that he didn’t see political donations as a “gift” but, rather, as an investment. The people like this gentleman “get it” and that is why they are able to see how their political donation to a conservative candidate today translates into a healthier bottom line for their own financial well being tomorrow. He said. “I can either invest today in a conservative’s campaign efforts, or I can watch them lose to well-funded big spenders and tax hikers that will ultimately cost me much more than my campaign investment.” I am so grateful for the folks who have seen the light go on and “get it” where investing in our future is concerned. This supporter also gives to other conservative candidates around the country because he recognizes that every vote in DC is a vote that affects his own bottom line.

In summary, when asked, “What do we do now?” I would suggest we all “Take our passions to the pavement” and get to work winning elections!

Former Senator Pamela Gorman has been a staunch supporter of the “Rule of Law” and securing our borders throughout her career in the Arizona Legislature. She is now running for the U.S. House of Representatives in AZ CD3 to fill the seat soon to be vacated by retiring Congressman John Shadegg. Learn more at