Your View | September 3 – 9, 2008

Thank you for sending us your refreshing newspaper.

I do not understand the lack of coverage of the Legislative District Six House race. There are some very important issues regarding the candidates that I would have thought Sonoran News would have deemed newsworthy. Your readers look to you for information on important topics like this and I, for one, am disappointed that your perspective is not available.

The Democrats' presidential pick has as his official website, "Obama for Change," yet his VP running mate has served in the Senate for 35 years and could be McCain's brother. Some change!

Folks receiving Social Security payments may be in for a nice increase in 2009. The first month (July 2008) of the calculation period showed a 6.2% jump in the consumer price index used to determine the change. What is Carefree doing to aid its elderly residents? Whatever became of the suggestion to have members of the town council provide rides to citizens?

In light of the fact CCUSD was only able to offer their teachers and other staff a very minimal cost of living increase (less than 2% for some), and have had their individual school supply budgets decreased, isn't it time they re-evaluate the necessity of having a $70,000+ per year Public Information Officer? This person does not directly effect teaching and learning in the classroom. This person is just another unjustified left over from Tacy Ashby's inefficient administration.

I am getting up in age and would like to see "the Walmart" go in, close to my home. Less gas to get there, cheaper prices. I thought "the Walmart" pulled out of the deal due to a lack of community support. I fail to see why the character of Cave Creek would change.

What a mess those illegal aliens are making! I suggest they load the mattresses and debris in a flatbed truck and haul it over to Phil Gordon and EJ Montini's houses and dump it in their front yards.

In the year ended June 2008 Phoenix metropolitan area home prices declined 27.9%, according to the Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller index. What is the Carefree council doing to help Carefree residents who are being hurt by the sharp drop in house prices? Wasting money on goofy electrified gaslights isn't a way to help.

Employees of an upscale soap store startled shoppers at Scottsdale Fashion Square recently by shedding their clothes and only wearing aprons that read "Ask me why I'm naked" to point out the virtues of products without packaging. Reportedly sales - especially among men - boomed. I propose that Carefree begin a marketing campaign to promote the town as a naturist area. Carefree Resort & Villas could become a summer mecca for nudists when business is typically slow. The town council must start to think outside the box.

In order to increase Carefree revenues and ration scarce parking spots, the town should install 24-hour parking meters in the town center. The meters could accept only Susan B. Anthony or Sacagawea dollar coins, emphasizing what an upscale town Carefree is. Because tourists would be unlikely to have the coins, revenues from parking tickets would also be a financial boon to the town.

I have a problem with my phone, with illegals calling my number. I complained to the cops two times. They cannot help me. They don’t know what’s wrong. They checked my house and there is nothing they can find. I get calls constantly day and night. I’m getting calls early morning – 4 a.m. 6 a.m. and at night time. I cannot understand it. I finally got one caller that spoke a little English and he told me that someone contacted him for work from my number. I said I never called you people. He said he’d gotten my number from another party. They’re leaving messages on my phone that sometimes last 10 to 15 minutes or more. Is there anybody that can help me with this problem?

I just want to thank you for your newspaper. It’s nice to read a newspaper that really tells what the news is all about and not some liberal propaganda like the rest of these newspapers. My question is: Have you guys ever thought about publishing who you recommend or support as far as who’s coming up for Congress. I live in the city of Scottsdale. We’re supposed to vote Sept. 2. I guess there are U.S. Representatives and Congress, a bunch of corporation commissioners, and in Scottsdale, council members and mayor. It would be nice if you would publish whom you support for these seats. Also I’ve heard in the past where Democrats have said they are actually Republicans but once you dig into their background you find out they are actually Democrats who are for illegal aliens and amnesty. So if you could tell us who the real Republican conservatives are that would be great!

In just her last term, guess who got the Clown from Carefree to try to recall her fellow council members, tried to torpedo councilwoman Brennan’s reelection effort with a bogus hit piece, routinely backstabs the town Manager and staff and recently voted against protecting the Town against her own open meeting law violation? OK, we won’t tell on Grace Meeth, the Town’s most devoted Council member.

Mr. Zerkle, Cave Creek’s runaway leader in tedious gobbledygook, has been a very busy little fellow. What did Cave Creek do to deserve this guy?