Carefree Town Council Matters

My name is Glenn R. Grossman, and I am running for Carefree Town Council. I am not part of a slate of candidates. My website, will show you my pictures, my positions, and my resume. Please check it out before you cast your vote for Carefree Mayor and Town Council.

Here are some highlights:

I want to keep Carefree the peaceful, serene, beautiful town that it has been since I moved here 16 years ago to marry Tracey, who has lived here for 32 years. We have raised our children here. Tracey and I have operated an insurance agency in Cave Creek for the past 13 years. Before that, I was a CPA working in public accounting for about 10 years and corporate administration and finance for about 20 years. We’ve both been active in the community.

I’m seeking office to use my vote on the council to stop property taxes, wasteful spending and out of control development which may destroy the neighborhood feel of Carefree

I have been outspoken about retaining Rural Metro Fire Department due to their 50 years of excellent fire and emergency service to our town at a relatively low operating cost. We now have two fully staffed engines in Carefree: 821 and 825, which gives us internal backup service without needing outside automatic aid resources.

I also believe that automatic aid could be a reason some might give for implementing a property tax, which I am against. The cost overruns of the Fire Fund disappeared last year. Now that the Hampton Inn is ready to open, we will receive more revenue from bed tax and sales tax. The current town budget can handle the Rural Metro fire and emergency service, but not the proposed automatic aid. I believe that this is an attempt to gain support for property taxes, which I strongly oppose.

Of the two term limit initiatives, I prefer 473, which limits officeholders to two two-year terms. I believe that the initiative on eminent domain is a good law and I support it, but not retroactively. It may just throw open the windows on the Carefree Water Consolidation Project, which needs transparency. But it makes no sense to totally un-do the project that is now well underway.

Town administration must carefully plan for a prosperous future without burdening the taxpayers further. It is doable, it just takes good leadership, which I will provide. With me on the council, you will finally have a clear, independent voice. I would appreciate your support and your vote on August 2.

Thank you.

Glenn R. Grossman

Candidate for Carefree Town Council