Review past conduct

With the Cave Creek Mayoral and Town Council elections rapidly approaching, it is extremely important that we all take a hard look at the candidates running for office. I love living in Cave Creek, and like most of you, I endeavor to make a positive contribution to our community. For some of us though, the path to contribute has in part been geared towards disseminating half-truths and false information, thereby causing distrust in our local government.

They question our elected and appointed officials’ integrity and motives, especially regarding development. Invariably, they draw conclusions without taking the time to accurately understand the relevant facts and applicable laws that lead to the actions our government takes. It seems that their minds are predisposed to think that our government disregards citizen interests regarding development, and therefore doubt and question the actions of our elected and appointed officials. I have experienced this firsthand on numerous occasions while serving as a member of our Planning Commission.

For example, when a development such as Hidden Canyon was proposed (it was extremely favorable to the Town as it substantially reduced permissible home lots, land disturbance, preserved open space and reduced future costs to the Town), residents opposed it simply because the property owner sought six exceptions to our subdivision ordinance, and they believed that granting the exceptions would contravene our recently ratified General Plan. Meanwhile, the six exceptions were sought to minimize land disturbance, increase open space, and reduce costs to the Town, all in furtherance of the goals of our General Plan. Classic hard positional negotiation by citizens without realizing that their interests aligned with the exceptions sought by the developer.

Some of these dissatisfied residents are now running for elected positions in our Town, and we have to contend with the spreading of propaganda and falsehoods. This is not acceptable in Cave Creek. Understanding and accurately expressing the facts, issues, and applicable law(s) should be paramount, especially for people who seek elected positions within our government.

Some of the candidates’ desire to play a role, influence others, and steer Town decisions can lead us down a treacherous path. I fear that if elected, the town could once again end up with significant legal problems/liability and there would be discord not just within our elected officials, but also within our dedicated Town staff. Consequently, this election isn’t just about electing people that will help the town but it’s also about electing people who won’t hurt it.

By way of example, articles regarding some of our candidates past conduct have been published in the Sonoran News and Foothills Focus. To review a couple of these, navigate your computer, phone or tablet to and

As Vice Chairman of the Planning Commission and a concerned resident, I support our incumbent elected officials seeking reelection, who have proven themselves as capable leaders. I urge everyone to take a discerning look at the challengers before casting your vote.

Steven Brechner, Esq.