Running for council

I am running for Council Member for Town of Cave Creek in the 2022 election. I consider it a position of public trust requiring debate and consensus building with our citizens. I have proven dedication and responsibility as demonstrated in careers spanning 40+ years as an Intensive care/Cardiovascular R.N., Real Estate Broker/small business owner.
Since 1997, I have shared many years volunteering for our Library, Food Bank, Tourism Bureau/Trails while attending countless hours of Planning Commission and Council meetings. I’ve lead citizens in actions that protected the goals and visions that kept Cave Creek, Cave Creek!

Cave Creek has within its limits, what no other Town can claim….Natural living desert-Mountain Preserve, and residential living still inhabited by coyote, rabbits, javelina, bobcat, deer, etc. However, incredible uncontrolled growth, pressures by developers and accommodating councils have threatened this lifestyle.
Many citizens feel our General Plans and Ordinances have been mostly ignored for several years by elected officials. I support managed  growth, and will let our General Plan 2020, Codes of Ordinance and listening to citizen’s desires guide my vote going forward. 

Public safety and welfare can not take a back seat in importance. With many crosswalks, equestrians, cyclists  and pedestrians in abundance in our Town, drivers ignoring speed limits can no longer be tolerated.  Enforcement is needed! I propose our Subdivision code shall require a Traffic study for Preliminary Plat of 40 or more units.
I support the Local Landmark plaques designating our important historic buildings. Early Town leaders, residents and characters imbued a certain pioneering spirit and unique slant on life—values worth protecting.
Changing back to a 5 day work week at Town Hall will be an agenda item worth investigating. I will support authorizing a poll to assess where citizens stand on the subject.

Budgeting for replanting trees and desert flora in our Core medians to restore what was removed and make us an awarded USA Tree Town once again.

I will be a vote cast for maintaining our rural, eclectic, western, historical, artists haven, and tourists “day destination” Town. I need your ‘vote’ to make my ‘vote’ count on Town council.


Anna Marsolo
Cave Creek