Well, you got your wish, including a New Type 6 Brush Truck (pictured).
The regular Monday night, Dec. 6 meeting of the Cave Creek Town Council concluded some historic moves with the following:
- Accepted the Final Report prepared and presented to the Town Council on November 22, 2021 by Rounds Consulting Group pertaining to Fire and Emergency Medical Services Funding.
- Approved Resolution R2021-24, a Resolution of the Mayor And Town Council of the Town of Cave Creek, Arizona, Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Daisy Mountain Fire District for Fire Protection andEmergency Services.
- Approved a Motion to Authorize the Purchase of a New Class “A” Fire Engine from H&E Equipment Services, for an amount up to $750,000.00.
- Approved a Motion to Authorize the Purchase of a New Type 6 Brush Truck from FireTrucks Unlimited, for an amount up to $190,000.00.
Two interesting sidebars to look for in January involved joining automatic aid and also insurance scenarios.