“Smell gone, stink remains: even stronger”

Liberty Rate Payers:
The Liberty Case filings are over, the testimony is over, the hearings are over; all that remained was the Administrative Law Judge filing her Recommendation of Opinion and Order to the ACC Commissioners. The ACC Staff “caved in” and compromised their position by agreeing to about half of the originally proposed rate increase at $89.00/month; Carefree has allegedly agreed to this compromise per the filing of Liberty and the now Administrative Law Judge, and she too has decided in favor of the compromised rate of $87.99 / month … plus the rate case expense (aka: legal fees) projected to be about $4.00 a month.

This would result in the Liberty Consumer ratepayers having to come up with about $91 / month, about a 15% increase… for Liberty sending us the monthly invoice and maintaining the pipes…and paying Scottsdale to receive and process all of our sewer water. The Commercial rates are even more!

This just plain “stinks” but even stronger, as now the judge is endorsing Liberty’s debacle of handling this project which came in about $7 million dollars over expectation…without telling anyone until they presented the ratepayers with another proposed rate increase.
Ratepayers: But it is NOT over yet… you can still write or even call the ACC, as the Hearings are tentatively set forMay 5th and 6th. Call Docket Control at 602-542-3477 or the Hearing Division at 602-542-4250.

Bob Moore