
mullet over

– Golf courses are dangerous places to be during lightning storms. Not only is it a bad idea to be swinging metal or graphite clubs while lightning is active in the area, but evidence indicates that underground water pipes attract electrical coruscations. And think twice prior to wearing a steel hat in Bogor, Java where lightning strikes an average of 322 days each year.

– A century plant usually blooms at the age of eight or nine years if temperature and soil conditions are ideal. However, authorities claim the Agave Americana can take as long as ninety years to finally bloom should conditions be harsh.

– Every tornado ever recorded moved in an easterly or northeasterly direction.

– When our moon is in alignment with the earth and sun, it is said to be in “syzygy” (pronounced “sizigi”), which is approximately equivalent to an astronomical conniption. Well, be prepared to celebrate the next syzygy (Monday March 9, 2020) – and have a great day.

– The very first person to sign the Declaration of Independence was later the governor of Massachusetts.  He wrote really big and you may have heard of him – John Hancock. Speaking of governors, one governor (Jimmie Davis) of Louisiana composed the classic melody “You are my Sunshine” in 1940. He successfully used it as his campaign song.

– Perhaps it would be apropos that I use this column to say the Trivia Hall of Fame is located in Lincoln, Nebraska. I am not in it. I sort of expect a huge surprise party later.

– In case you have not noticed, that charming bird, the flamingo, almost always eats while holding its head upside down. Honestly, I have attempted the same feat, but with moderate success. My family seems to be immoderately embarrassed.

– According to the vendor, the popular drink V8 is made from the juices of beets, celery, carrots, lettuce, parsley, watercress, spinach and tomato … and water.

– The President of the United States cannot pardon just anyone. The pardon-recipient must have been convicted of a federal crime in order to qualify.

– Few are aware the famous Judge Roy Bean had a brother who was the first elected mayor of San Diego, California. The brother was Joshua Bean (1818 – 1852). Joshua also ran a saloon and was killed in a quarrel over a woman in 1852. Phantly (yes, Phantly) Roy Bean was a self-appointed judge (1882 – 1903) in Langtry, Texas where he died March 16, 1903. He is buried in Del Rio, Texas.