Facing reality & facts


It is fascinating to experience Sonoran News, always rich in Rightwing diatribes attacking anything not ‘Trump’ related. At the same time, you skip Trump’s attacks on American values, laws, protocol, and science. The Rights of Women, LGBTQ individuals, immigrants and minorities are ignored while championing Bible humpers.

‘Making America Great Again’ appears to include gun rights, but not health care, education, climate safety nets and equality. The facts show that, at this point, Mr. Mueller felt an indictment cannot be suggested. Obstruction and collusion will, however, be addressed by Congress. Betrayal, treason and retribution are Trump’s reality in this universe.   Understand that 37 individuals linked to this Administration are already indicted, jailed, sentenced, or awaiting trial. It is only a matter of time before more are possibly charged.

I find it difficult to comprehend admiration for a draft dodger, an incessant liar and a scoundrel. Trump creates a sorry gaggle of undereducated lemmings who apparently buy into any absurdity, such as Trump University ($26 million fine and closed), Trump Foundation ($9 million fine and closed) and a host of similar cons ($107 million Inauguration).

There is a Latin phrase that best describes what many have to feel: ‘te demitto’ – you’re fired!

Respectfully submitted,

Steve Lowen

(Editorial response: Dear Mr. Lowen, Speaking of “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” I just received a shipment of MAGA caps and would be happy to give you one. Maybe wearing it will turn that leftist brain to the right where great Americans are. Regards, Donald Sorchych)