Feb. 4 Cave Creek Council Meeting

During the Call to the Public, Ellen Alsever, Kristin Lewis, and Johnny Ringo said they have been asked to form a group to promote Cave Creek and help organize events. Two events mentioned were Wild West Days and the upcoming 150th anniversary of the founding of Cave Creek in 2020. They said they will not be a Chamber of Commerce or Merchants Association. The group will be holding a meet and greet at 6pm, Thursday February 7, at The Buffalo Chip and is inviting the public to bring ideas and suggestions.

Only two votes were held at the Council meeting. The first one approved the adding of a Volleyball court at Harold’s, the second one was to adjourn. Between those two votes, the Council heard the quarterly financial report. The presentation also included information on how Town Staff fights possible fraud.

The other presentation was the quarterly utility briefing. The highlights listed a number of maintenance projects being completed that had been very overdue.