Are prescriptions and injections the only methods of pain management?

Dr Leisa

Part 1

No. Today, society has been taught that the only methods of pain management involve medical intervention. As we know, the addiction to opiates and even some over-the counter pain relievers have become an epidemic. Every day, I see patients who‘ve been told that their only option for managing their chronic pain is a prescription, injection, or in some severe cases, a pump that is implanted in the body to pump medication into the patient. Every day, I‘m able to help these patients with non-medical methods that are science based, and have research showing their effects.

Are there methods of pain management that have been researched as an alternative to medication and injections?

Yes. A 2004 study found that resveratrol, found in red grapes, chocolate, and blueberries, and curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, were more potent than ibuprofen and aspirin in reducing inflammation. It‘s not the alternative to medication that is important in some cases, it‘s also the willingness and ability of the patient to trust an alternative. Once the mind accepts that another form of therapy is available, the body can then accept the treatment. This is extrememly important in chronic pain cases. There are chemical and neurological pathways that have been altered from the normal pathways. Once these have been active over long periods of time, the brain interpretes them as normal. They are not normal in healthy individuals. These altered pathways prevent pain relief in patients, and can become loops that are hard to break. This makes it difficult for some patients to come off the medications, and in some cases, require higher doses to feel relief, hence initiating the addiction process.

Can Some Foods Cause Pain? Absolutely. Pain is caused by inflammation. A lot of food today causes inflammation. Sugar and gluten are just two of them. For example, gluten is found in wheat. The wheat we eat today, is no where near the same as it was even 40 or 50 years ago. It has been genetically modified so much, that it causes an inflammatory process that we‘ve become allergic to. Frequently, a lot of foods people believe to be healthy, are causing inflammation and pain. Whole wheat bread, multigrain cereals, and granola trail mixes are just to name a few. Many people say they don‘t have a wheat or gluten problem, but once I‘ve taken a detailed health history , I find many conditions they have, can be connected to gluten intolerance. Non-organically grown wheat, barley, and rye, have been sprayed with glyphosate, or Round-Up. This chemical is used in many countries, and is a serious allergen. This raises inflammation in the body. The inflammation in the gut is linked to brain issues like dimentia, some to type 2 diabetes, and many more. Check my previous article, „Do We Really Have a Second Brain?“ on gut health for more information. Processed food, and sugar are highly inflammatory, and are found everywhere. Sugar is hidden in almost every type of food out there. Even in some ground meats and other processed meats. Years ago, sugar was not added to these foods. To become more palatable for the masses, the food industry has made many savory foods taste sweeter. The average palate now recognises a sweeter taste of these foods to be normal. This is not normal, and is raising the inflammation in people more and more each day. This causes more pain in the general population, and therefore more reliance on pain medication. This could be simple over-the counter or prescription. Nuts can be a healthy choice, but they contain lectins, which affect digestion. More gut inflammtory issues here. Grains like rice contain phytic acid which are also difficult to digest. They are inflammatory to our gut, then that inflammation spreads to our body.

So What Can We Do to Relieve Pain Naturally? The first thing to do, is find a doctor who will address your diet. Even veterinarians ask what you‘ve fed your pet when they have a problem. There are supplements like fish oils, antioxidants, curcumin, and more that reduce inflammation, and hence reduce pain. There is also a special FDA medical food powder that was more effective than naprosin in a 2 week study, with no damage to the digestive tract. If you take the supplement route, be sure they are medical grade. This ensures their ingredients and thier potency. See my recent article on medical grade supplements.

For more information on any of my articles, please email me at [email protected]

Leisa-Marie grgula, D.C.
Accurate Care Pain Relief Ctr.
21043 N. Cave Creek Rd. Ste. A9
Phoenix, AZ 85024