“Infamously stinky fruit”

God Bless America

Doggy beer

Next time you’re looking for a treat for the family pooch, you might want to consider opening up a can of Good Boy Dog Beer. Don’t be alarmed, says the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC], it’s non-alcoholic and, in fact, might be good for him, to boot. It is the creation of Houston bar owners, Megan and Steve Long, who came up with the idea for the brew when their pet Rottweiler, Rocky, was having digestive problems. Rex got better, and the Longs got themselves a successful sideline. Their dog beer is now available at 18 locations throughout Houston two in Galveston and Katy, Texas.

That’s a lot of tomato sauce

The Krum family of Columbia County, Pa got more than they bargained for from their tomato plant this year, according to the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC]. It continued growing all summer long, ultimately reaching a height of 22 feet and bearing more cherry tomatoes than the family could stomach. “My little kids eat most of them, but then they got sick of them, so they just fall on the ground,” Sam Krum told WNEP-TV. Krum’s plant got a lot of attention. But, the Guinness Book of World Records says the tallest tomato plant ever grown reached 65 feet.


Offbeat collector, Dr. Samuel West, has done it again. His traveling Museum of Failure, a sometimes-nostalgic collection of goods and services that never quite succeeded in the marketplace, has been popping up in various cities around the world since its debut earlier this year. The Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC], says his newest offering is a showcase he calls the Disgusting Food Museum. It opened recently in Malmo, Sweden and features what might be described by some as the world’s most “repellant” foodstuffs. Some of the foods on display, such as “maggot-infested cheese” from Sardinia and an “infamously stinky fruit” from Thailand, will be offered to museum goers.