Does your organization take on small issues?

Carefree has a population of 3,000+ residents. The population increases when seasonal residents return to the unique Sonoran Desert for the winter.

The beautiful  town of Carefree AZ, is 25 miles north of Scottsdale, in the foothills of the Continental Mountains, bounded by the Tonto National Forest and is the highest elevation in Maricopa County.

It is being destroyed one acre at a time by real estate developers and an unaccountable Town Council. Only one Council member voted against the developers.

The newly elected Town Council is using the word “progress “ to downzone and approve high density 60 feet high rental apartments in the quaint town village and high density “townhouses,” on the last of the open space previously zoned one acre lots.

They have approved the first McMansion and have set the precedent for massive infill and the “mansionization” of existing low profile southwestern style homes.

They are redirecting washes and destroying the last 40+ acres of pristine Sonoran desert and wildlife habitat.

The Council is unaccountable for their actions because residents do not attend their meetings and the “snowbirds” are never notified about zoning or building alterations. In fact, the Town does not advertise changes by email, direct mail or handouts until after the vote is taken. They have not sent out surveys to all residents and part time residents. Residents who complain are treated as trouble makers and targeted by the council appointed blogger who videos speakers as a method for intimidation.

Only two or three activists attend the weekly meetings held outside of the town center, and they are vilified by the powerful staff, the local blogger who does not disclose she is appointed by the Council to the zoning commission, and the elected politicians.

I would appreciate your guidance on how to proceed. I have decided to become an activist rather than keep my head down while I watch the valiant fight of a handful of courageous residents who never give up trying protect this beautiful and unique town and wildlife habitat.

The founding developers of Carefree described the new town  as “Carefree:  Only One To A World”.

Soon Carefree will be a victim of the Scottsdale urban sprawl and it will disappear forever. It will no longer be one of the last great places in the world.

We need help.  If you are unable to help, please recommend an advocacy organization that will be able to guide us.


Constance Bedell