Early 2018 NOW endorsements

Arizona National Organization for Women (NOW) PAC, a statewide feminist organization, is pleased to release its first round of endorsements for election year 2018. Through a carefully vetted process of a candidate questionnaire, resume and independent investigation, the PAC team representing members from all the NOW chapters throughout the state, determine which candidates to endorse.

The candidates must support the six primary issues of NOW that are reproductive rights, ending sex discrimination/constitutional equality, promoting diversity and ending racism, economic justice, stopping violence against women, and LGBTQIA rights. The endorsement process will continue until the general election in November.

Those endorsed in this first round for State Office are: David Garcia for Governor; both Kathy Hoffman and David Shapira for Superintendent of Public Instruction; and Kiana Sears for Corporation Commission.

For State Senate, we have endorsed Sharon Girard in LD8, and for State House we have endorsed Jennifer Longdon in LD24.

For Justice of the Peace in Maricopa County, we have endorsed Channel Powe.

For city races, we have endorsed Ginny Dickey for Mayor of Fountain Hills and Jen Duff for city council in Mesa.

Dianne Post
State NOW PAC Secretary