Feb. 21—27, 2018


For All Signs:  Do you remember the stellium of planets in Capricorn during January about which I wrote two articles?  Well, time has moved onward and now the planets are gathered in Pisces, the sign of compassion.  The lineup includes the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Neptune, and Chiron.  These planets in this sign are saying, “You must look to loftier spiritual aspirations than all this fighting and threatening of war!”  The Cosmos is shouting this message in many ways.  “Do that which will take care of the underdogs, the downtrodden, and the DACA’s of the world.”  Surely, even Congress will have to listen to this message in some way.  We are losing species rapidly for many reasons, but they could be listed under the umbrella of carelessness and lack of conscious awareness.  This stellium is all but shouting, “Wake up!  Wake up!  Do no more damage to the planet and its living species!”

Aries:  You began a new task in October 2017 that is not yet finished.  You will have to take a good look at it now.  Going back to it requires significant effort.  You have already invested quite a lot in this.  It is a challenge to think about it again when you know it will require so much more work.  Some people would give up at this point, but your honor is at stake.

Taurus: There are stones in your path having to do with a child, a new romance, or a creative work, which began in the fall.  You can see the challenges now that you could not see at that time.  If this is about a child, you have no choice but to see things through.  But if it is a creative work or a new lover, now is the time to press forward or let go.

Gemini:  This is an excellent time to pursue any activity that requires your mental concentration.  The Messengers are not always able to sit still enough to learn theoretical information, but right now there is a window open for it.  Finish that project before the weekend because you may want to nap for a couple of days.

Cancer:  This week you may feel semi-paralyzed by lack of clear information.  The options you can presently see are not the best.  Give it some time and things will change for the better by next month.  Don’t focus on problems that seem to have no clear solution.  It will waste your energy.  Be still.

Leo:   You are attending to responsibilities this week.  It is a fairly serious time in which you feel somehow ethically or morally bound to follow through with commitments to the outside world.  It is possible you are somehow teaching others what you have learned.  If you have prepared you will definitely succeed.

Virgo:  You may be concentrating on giving practical help to your significant other or to someone else of importance to you.  This is a good time to contribute your organizing talent to almost anyone who needs it.  Now is also a fine time to share thoughts with your partner and work toward positive compromises.

Libra:  It is time to give your health the attention it deserves.  Your body is reacting unfavorably to a new habit that began in the fall.  Return to your old health regimen, the one that was working well for you.  There may have been changes in your metabolism that affect how your body handles the stress of sugar.

Scorpio: A new friendship that began in the fall may be costing you much more than it is worth.  Consider what is required from you to maintain this association.  If it is indeed worth the trouble, then accept that fact and move forward to better times.  However, if it is not, then you may consider cutting that tie.

Sagittarius: You began a new relationship, job, task, or project in October 2017.  Now it is time to evaluate.  At this point there is a new twist that you were not expecting in the beginning.  The question is whether or not you are willing to adapt and pour on the energy required to bring it to fruition.  Some will forge onward and others will let it go.

Capricorn:  At this time you have the opportunity to present a product of your intellectual creation.  If you have done your homework, then this may represent the first stage in a serious accomplishment.  Short distance travels, exploring new neighborhoods, and teaching/learning activities are favored.

Aquarius:  Since December you have begun a sabbatical.  This could be literal or figurative.  The world may have created it for you or you may have taken the initiative to withdraw.  However it began, this is a week in which you can concentrate better.  Aspects are great if you are writing a book or teaching anything.

Pisces the Fish:  (Feb. 18 — Mar 19) Your love of luxury and fine things may cause a battle with your partner, who prefers to keep the belt tightened.  This reflects a genuine internal conflict.  A strong part of you also wants to play it safe as well.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope?  Vivian Carol may be reached at (704) 366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments .  Website:  http//www.horoscopesbyvivian.com