APS’s confusing letter

Because of a letter APS is currently sending to customers, I’ve gotten several inquiries from APS customers asking about APS’s new rate plans and which one they should choose if they want to keep their analog meter.

Not all customers have gotten APS’s confusing letter about picking a new rate plan but rest assured, you will.

The letter is confusing because APS uses BS corporate psy-op language calling both analog and non-transmitting digital meters “non-standard meters.” APS and other utilities around the nation are using this language to legitimize “smart” meters as their “standard meter” and to marginalize other meters (and the customers who want those) as “non-standard.” It also subtly sets up a justification for extra charges to those customers by messaging that non-standard customers aren’t “normal” and deserve to be charged more.

As you’ll see in the letter, APS uses more really “choice” BS corporate psy-op language in the names APS gave to its various new rate plans. All the rate plans have “choice” as part of their names to create the illusion that you have one. APS is a monopoly. You have no choice. Names like “Saver Choice Plus” are nonsense. APS just got a rate increase. Everyone pays more. There are no ‘savings.’ At their website, APS adorned the rip-off rate plans with pictures of happy, smiling people, their kids and pets. The message? Suspend rational thought. Be happy like these actors. It’s all good.

Anyway, for those customers who wish to keep their analog meter, the only rate plan choices are the 3 that are not Time Of Use (TOU) or TOU plus Demand. Any of those rates will require a non-transmitting digital meter (or a “smart” meter if you want one of those). Rate plans that will allow you to keep your analog meter are Lite Choice, Premier Choice, and Premier Choice Large.

Keep in mind that the decision the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) made in the APS rate case allows APS to remove anyone’s analog meter at any time and replace it with a non-transmitting digital meter. APS’s current policy, however, is to let customers keep their analog meter until its service life is over, which is again something APS decides.

Warren Woodward