PHOENIX – The Arizona American Indian Tourism Association (AAITA) is excited to partner with the City of Scottsdale in the coordination of the new AAITA Annual Arizona Indian Festival (AIF) beginning February 10th, 10am-6pm, and February 11th, 10am-4pm, 2018!
Located in the Scottsdale Civic Center Plaza, held in conjunction with Scottsdale’s Western Week and Parada del Sol events, the AIF will provide a new platform to tribal tourism and awareness of Arizona’s indigenous communities by creating an inclusive intertribal event celebrating culture, traditional arts, crafts and foods, as well as innovations and trends in cultural tourism experiences in Arizona.
“We invite all communities to come out and experience Arizona indigenous cultures for themselves! Our goal is to engage the public in a deeper and more meaningful experience of the Southwest through a cultural lens,” states AAITA Board President, Blessing McAnlis-Vasquez.
McAnlis-Vasquez continues, “Since 1994, the AAITA has connected more than 500,000 visitors, leaders, and business professionals through tourism events. This event will be the latest platform we are committed to which continues to foster tribal and non-tribal partnerships that benefit our membership and creates on-going awareness of tribal economic impact in Arizona.”
About the AAITA
Arizona American Indian Tourism Association (AAITA) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization since 1994 dedicated to increasing tribal tourism initiatives by working with Arizona tribes and businesses. The organization facilitates and hosts events for tribal and non-tribal members, forums on tourism issues, and maintains a reliable network of industry leaders to assist tribes in the development of their own tourism programs. Our mission is to promote the development of tribal tourism in Arizona while respecting the cultural integrity of the tribes. Learn more about the AAITA:
About Western Week
The City of Scottsdale’s Western Week brings together the best of our community’s Old West traditions with new West style and attracts more than 50,000 local and international visitors every year. Enjoy western-themed parades, festivals, art walks and other events throughout February. All take place in the heart of downtown Scottsdale. Learn more about Western Week and get a complete listing of events and activities at: