Free teen driver program

The National Team Defensive Driving Program has been working with Scottsdale teens in order to teach them safe driving skills. The program takes place at WestWorld, a large venue in Scottsdale.

Although the program is primarily geared towards teens, parents too can pick up on powerful crash-avoidance techniques. Techniques which have been statistically proven to increase the safety of both individual drivers, as well as road conditions as a whole.

Classes Focus On Safely Encountering A Variety Of Hazards

Parents have the option to enroll their teens in a program that focuses on a variety of skills, such as safe braking techniques. Some classes focus on instilling appropriate reactions to hazardous road conditions, such as the presence of deer. Although many of the classes are very interactive and hands-on, others are more classroom-based such as the presentations on anti-lock brakes. Anti-lock brakes, for example, are featured in a large amount of modern vehicles,  yet most consumers lack the understanding of how they work, making these classes beneficial.

Each of the classes teaches teens the ability to remain defensively proactive while behind the wheel, ensuring the safety of themselves and those around them. Many parents come away from the experience having learned quite a few valuable skills as well.

Doug Herbert And The Art Of Defensive Driving

Brakes Teen Driving Charity founder Doug Herbert has been dedicated to the program since losing both of his boys in a tragic 2008 automobile accident. By teaching teenagers valuable driving skills, he hopes that no parents have to face a similar catastrophe that he did.

By safely educating teenagers on the conditions that typically lead to teenage automobile related fatalities, Doug Herbert and his team are successfully teaching new drivers the art of defensive driving. Many teens who were at one time enrolled, go on to volunteer in the program later in life. Over 30,000 teenagers have enrolled in the free program.