Rush Limbaugh

Don Sorchych, my viewLast Friday I heard terrible news on TV. ABC News Reporter Brian Ross said Michael Flynn would testify that President Trump ordered him to reach out to Moscow during the campaign which sent Wall Street shares tumbling.

A later ABC clarification said its source indicated the orders from Trump came during the presidential transition, after the November 2016 election.

“We deeply regret and apologize for the serious error we made yesterday … The special report had not been fully vetted through our editorial standards process.”

Trump, as he regularly does, tweeted and praised ABC News “for suspending Brian Ross for his horrendously inaccurate and dishonest report on the Russia, Russia, Russia Witch hunt. More Networks and ‘papers’ should do the same with their Fake News!”

The White house rejected the idea that Flynn could implicate “anyone” else as the inaccurate ABC report had suggested.

Rush Limbaugh spent most of his three hour show on Monday discussing and correcting Ross’s article. The issue was that Ross said Trump had issued his instructions during his campaign, which would have been illegal but that didn’t happen.

Limbaugh said Ross has hassled him in a similar way for the 30 years he has broadcast apparently because of Limbaugh’s conservative standing. Limbaugh said many lies were actionable, but he never sued.

Limbaugh spent time explaining how the gang after Trump is part of the “establishment,” “deep state” or, better yet, “swamp” whose only goal is kicking Trump out of office. He also said that if 400,000 Puerto Rican refugees were to move to Florida and 60 percent vote Democrat, that state will become Democrat for the foreseeable future. Adding in California and New York the country would become Democrat. So stop immigration NOW while we can!

It is a miracle! Trump’s accomplishment is huge considering the counter pressure he has received and the lack of support he has received from his own party. The man is a genius and this is the last chance to save this potential paradise. The swamp will do anything to exist.

Remember, for forty years the swamp assured mass immigration even though most candidates promised immigration control. Currently we are near the tipping point in block voting by Mexicans and South Americans. The country is also carpeted with mosques. Would any President but Trump have the courage to regulate immigration?

But keep in mind Congress has to be supportive and there will be no positive Democrat votes. Furthermore, expect federal judicial interference.

On Tuesday, Limbaugh spoke about Scooter Libby’s incarceration during the Bush administration for a process crime, even though his arrest and jailing had nothing to do with the investigation.

Where is media, except for talk radio? Major media is in bed with the swamp and possibly even individual members.

If you are a Trump supporter don’t trust major media. They lie, and are Never Trumpers. Limbaugh is on KFYI 550 AM from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday.

If you are a parent, Limbaugh has written books to teach children American History. I have heard countless discussions among parents, children and Limbaugh during which his books receive high marks. He also sells an informative newsletter.

Locally, Sean Hannity is on right after Limbaugh on KFYI 550 AM from 1 to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday and concedes he is an advocate journalist and a strong Trump supporter. If you are a praying person remember all conservative talk radio journalists.