Law Officers team up to fight wrong-way drivers this holiday season

blue flashing sirens of police car during the roadblock
© federicofoto / 123RF

PHOENIX – Call it a holiday message to motorists.

Some of the leading figures in law enforcement are teaming up to keep our streets safer this holiday season.

DPS Director Frank Milstead and Phoenix police Chief Jeri Williams were among those who spoke at a news conference Monday to address the increase of wrong-way drivers in our state.

Milstead says wrong-way collisions are “very violent and the results are catastrophic.”

DPS and the Phoenix Police Department are teaming up on a new effort called “Troopers and Traffic Cops,” to try to curb this growing problem.

DPS has also launched its “No Need For Speed” initiative, cracking down on speeders on the Loop 101.

Troopers will be out in unmarked cars, ticketing all drivers who are caught speeding during the 30-day program.

Milstead warned drivers what will happen if they are stopped. “You’re going to get a citation. It’s a zero-tolerance program. The speed limit is 65 on the loops,” he said.

ADOT also recently unveiled an app that will alert you if you are in the area of a wrong-way driver.

The app has already been downloaded more than 6,000 times.