A NAFTA that works for everyone

Labor Day is a day to honor all working people and to reflect on the fight for workers’ rights. One way to celebrate the contributions of working people is by taking steps not to repeat the anti-worker policies that some communities still are reeling from today, such as the terrible North American Free Trade Agreement.

NAFTA drove down the wages of workers in all three North American countries it covered and failed to establish protections for working people to join together in union for better. This anti-worker trade deal also missed the mark on environmental protections.

The NAFTA objectives from President Trump are a failure because they won’t protect jobs, establish stronger rights at work or raise wages. If the new trade deal follows this pattern, the deal will be just like the corporate-written ones Trump campaigned against during the election. The biggest nod to workers this Labor Day should be a commitment to trade deals that put working people first.


Thank you,

Marty Landa
