Guilt-free shopping?

God Bless America


More than 40 million Americans are caregivers for elderly relations, according to the Association of Mature American Citizens. A Pew Research study shows that most of them look after aging parents. And, the great majority of them don’t look at it as a burden. Rather, they see it as a rewarding opportunity.

The ‘husband storage pod’

Husbands who take their wives shopping in Shanghai don’t find it as an onerous task. Many of them look forward to spending some quality time in the local mall’s “husband storage pod,” reports the Association of Mature American Citizens. After all, it gives them a chance to play their favorite video games without that nagging feeling of guilt.

A Candid Camera moment

Imagine the jolt of stepping up to an ATM machine and, instead of seeing the computer menu on the screen in front of you, you see a man desperately pressing a hand written note against the screen with the plea, “help me,” says the Association of Mature American Citizens. It happened recently in Corpus Christi, TX. It seems the guy who was repairing the money machine got himself stuck with no way to extricate himself from his awkward situation. He was released from bondage, thanks to the quick thinking of a customer who flagged down a police officer who came to the rescue.