Build the wall in the April 28 continuing resolution


FAIRFAX, VA — Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging Congress to include funding for building the southern border wall in the April 28 continuing resolution:

“Donald Trump ran on building the southern border wall, and the Republican Congress needs to integrate his supplemental budget that funds into the spending bill due April 28. The GOP Congress must not give into Democrat demands to stop the wall, which would be a politically devastating betrayal of the voters that who elected both President Trump and the GOP majorities in the House and Senate.

“If Senate Minority Leader Schumer wants to shut the government down over the wall, then Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell should tell him to bring it on. President Trump should make it clear that federal employees who are laid off due to Schumer’s intransigence will not be paid when the shutdown ends. If Schumer wants to filibuster the wall, let him, but force him to stand on the floor and talk until he drops from exhaustion.”