Donald Trump presents his “Contract With America” to be accomplished in The First 100 Days

You can watch a video of Donald Trump pledging to follow his “Contract With America.” It outlines what he plans to accomplish within the first 100 days of his administration. Mr. Trump also plans to put an end to the divisive policies that have torn the American people apart over the last 8 years; he will work to heal the deep divisions in unity that have been created in the nation by the occupant of the Oval Office and his Justice Department.

Mr. Trump presented his “Contract With America” in a speech on the Civil War Battlefield at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where President Abraham Lincoln made his famous Gettysburg Address in 1863.  The goal of President Lincoln’s speech was to bridge the deep divisions the nation was faced with at the end of the Civil War, and to begin the healing process, in order to unite a divided nation.

Donald Trump pledged to take the specific steps outlined in his “Contract With America” in order to contribute significantly to reduction in unemployment among the 95 million unemployed Americans and in order to lift many of the 46 million Americans on food stamps out of poverty. He said he wants to bridge the deep divisions in the nation, and unite a divided nation.

Watch Donald Trump:

Some of the goals of the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC are to preserve The Free Enterprise System that created the most successful economic engine in history, and to save the 240 year old Republic from being changed into a Socialist State. Socialism as espoused by Obama and Hillary hasn’t worked in any nation over the last 100 years. Socialism would oppress the American people and undermine the fragile “Freedoms” the Founding Fathers gave to all Americans in the U.S. Constitution – Freedom of Religion, the Freedom and Right to Bear Arms, Freedom of Speech, Freedom to have Fair Elections without Voter Fraud and so many other Freedoms.

The Pew Center found in a 2012 study that approximately 24 million voters registration were no longer valid or the information significantly inaccurate (one of every eight registered voter’s information is significantly inaccurate).  Furthermore, it found that more than 1.8 million dead people were listed as voters. Additionally, approximately 2.75 million people were registered in more than one state.  The Obama administration has had this information for 4 years, has attempted to cover it up and recently vilified Donald Trump for pointing out this information, when he sated the election is rigged and that massive voter fraud does exist.

For the last 8 years the Department of Health and Human Resources has been funding the former ACORN organizations to register voters. Those organizations simply changed their names from ACORN to another name in various states, and are continuing the voter fraud they were convicted of in 2009, while still being funded by Obama’s Department of Health and Human Services.  We encourage you support the Election Integrity Project (EIP) that opposes Voter Fraud; you can get involved by contacting Katherine Gerdis at (714) 813-5862  [email protected].  We also encourage you to share this information with those who care about the integrity of the voting process in the United States.

Joseph R. John, USNA ‘62
Capt    USN(Ret)/Former FBI
Chairman, Combat Veterans For Congress PAC
2307 Fenton Parkway, Suite 107-184
San Diego, CA 92108