October 19 – 25, 2016 


Stargazer-VivianCarolFor All Signs: Warning! This is an election preview. If you are sick of politics, then move on to your Sun sign below. I have studied the horoscopes of the primary candidates for President. (I am not offering a personal choice, but merely reporting the astrological symbols.) The declination cycle of Trump could readily be described as high notoriety, publicity and recognition. This is remarkable because it only occurs once in 28 years. However, Donald is concluding a Soul Cycle which began in 1990 in the sign of Leo the Lion. (On that note, I find his hairstyle interesting, as a Lion’s mane.) As one prepares for a totally new Soul Cycle, the public life is closing down and there is really nowhere upward to go. Hillary is in a far more challenging position related to recognition and status than Donald. However, she is at a much better place in her personal soul cycle, which highlights a second harvest of previous effort. Neither of them is likely to achieve a second term. I encourage voters to give serious attention to the VP candidates, because both horoscopes suggest turning over the baton before the end of the four years.

Aries: Listen to the important people in your life who comment upon what you are doing. You have significant power now and could readily run over others like a steam roller. Allow the “other” equal space or there will be pay- back time later when the power is on the other side. The wheel of life is always turning.

Taurus: Your frame of mind concerning a romance or a friendship is on the edge this week. You may be feeling disappointed and thinking of bringing things to a conclusion. Be aware that right now you are feeling particularly sensitive. Give it some time before you draw a final conclusion.

Gemini: The routine is safe, but also boring. Your mind may play tricks on you and you could be distracted easily. This is not a good time to do work that requires discipline with details. You are feeling independent, so you may want more alone time than is the norm. You would be happy to take the first flight to Tahiti and never bat an eye over it. Short of that, you may be taking small mental breaks this week, with lots of daydreaming and drifting.

Cancer: At present your rational mind tells you one set of facts while the heart/instincts are in another camp altogether. Take your conflict to a higher place–not one of either/or, but both/and. A larger perspective would satisfy both ends of the equation. The result will be truly creative.

Leo: The Sun, your ruling Avatar, moves into the 4th house of home, family and security. You may have a strong need to clean out debris, get out in the yard, and generally make the homestead ready for winter. This will require three or four weeks, after which you will shift to the holiday preparations. It is your annual solar rhythm.

Virgo: Mercury, your ruling planet, has many aspects this week. This suggests that you will be preoccupied with communication of one form or another. There may be many phone calls, messages, letters, quick conversations, rapid decisions, and/or papers to write. The period is favorable for probing into causes and finding the bottom line to any matter.

Libra: It is possible that you are not feeling well this week. You may be subject to allergy symptoms that keep you subdued. Your self-talk is likely to be on the dark side and mainly due to your fears for the future. The Critic is not necessarily in touch with the whole truth even though it feels real enough as it blathers onward.

Scorpio: Mars, the warrior planet, is right on top of you now. You have been experiencing a long dose of adrenaline recently. Mars is best used on behalf of others, as in protection and guidance on the path. Aggressive use of Mars is generally not appreciated in our culture.

Sagittarius: You have no new aspects on the horizon this week, but it is just as well. You are probably still dealing with an apparent no-win situation that has used your time and energy for a couple of weeks. No doubt you would like to be done with it so you can move forward.

Capricorn: Mars, the warrior planet, is rolling through your sign. His highest use is to use his tools (swords, guns, knives) to help and/or protect others. It may be tempting to growl and ruffle your feathers. That is not the best thing to do at this time. It will generate hate mail from your world.

Aquarius: It may seem that every time you attempt to concentrate on any sort of detail, someone or something begins to interfere. Bitsy parts will not cooperate or can’t be found. It may take 2 to 3 trips to the hardware store or the grocery market to collect what you need to complete the task.

Pisces: You have probably overdone it in the “party” department and may feel the need to hit the straight and narrow where your health is concerned. If you have seriously overstepped, your liver is strenuously objecting. Drink a lot of water to dilute any toxins in your body. Pisces is not a sign that can handle “poisons” well.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Visit http://www.horoscopesbyvivian.com.