An observation

Maybe it’s me, but something is definitely wrong when the most powerful military on earth has been put on a short leash and not allowed to decimate and destroy ISIS (the JV team) wherever it may be by all means available.

You win wars by killing the enemy. You don’t win by allowing them sanctuaries. You don’t win by allowing them access through open porous undefended borders. You don’t win by allowing OUR country to become susceptible to terrorists attacks.  You don’t win by allowing our citizens to be subject to “collateral damage” while being cowed out of creating collateral damage on the enemy and you certainly do not win by inviting the enemy to enter OUR country on an open invitation.

I don’t think it’s remotely possible that we can do any less for the safety of our homeland and American families than these liberal academics and new world order proponents are doing right now.

Can you begin to fathom the outright stupidity of Americans voting for Hillary Clinton and letting this American tragedy and self-destructive insanity to continue to grow and fester?

I can’t and I hope and pray to God that it’s not just me.

Tom Carbone
