SUN CITY WEST – Surprise Tea Party Patriots packed their Sept. 20 meeting at the Sun City West Foundation hall with Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Cold Case Posse Lead Investigator Mike Zullo as guest speakers.
Julie Wise, who chaired the meeting, passed out blue ribbons and pins to all attendees to wear in appreciation of law enforcement.

She announced there would be a raffle of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s famous pink underwear and some Trump for president T-shirts.
Wise said the proceeds from the raffle help pay for their semi-monthly meetings room rental expenses.
Wise introduced Phil Lovas, chair of Donald Trump’s Arizona Committee.

Lovas said there were six days until the first debate, 20 days left to register to vote, 22 days until early voting begins, 49 days until the Nov. 8 general election and 122 days until Trump takes his oath of office as president of the United States.
Francine Romesburg, facilitator of Grassroots Tea Party Activists announced Trevor Loudon, who hails from New Zealand, was coming to town Oct. 12 and showed the trailer for his recently released film titled “The Enemies Within.”

The film profiles 14 U.S. Senators and more than 50 U.S. Representatives, revealing their ties to Communist Party USA, Democratic Socialists of America, Workers World Party, Institute for Policy Studies, Council for a Livable World and other radical anti-American organizations.
Romesburg said the event and screening will be from 6-9 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus Council, located at the corner of 49th and Northern avenues in Glendale.
Wise announced reservations were being taken for the Lincoln Day Dinner on Saturday, Oct. 15 at the Sheraton Grand Hotel in Phoenix, the details of which were passed out to attendees.
She introduced Jeff Lichter, who flew to New York with former Arizona Representative Carl Seel and Senator Kelly Townsend several years ago to meet with Donald Trump regarding presidential eligibility issues, which got Trump involved in getting President Barack Obama to release what has now been proven to be a falsified birth certificate.
Lichter provided a timeline of events when “Birtherism” began and when approximately 250 citizens at a Surprise Tea Party Patriots meeting signed a petition asking Arpaio to investigate Obama’s eligibility to be president.

Lichter said, “I’m proud of what we did,” despite being criticized by even other Tea Party groups.
He stated, “Birtherism is not racism. It is simply a search for the truth.”
Lichter pointed out the first instance of Birtherism began with McCain’s presidential run with Senate Resolution 511, which was also passed with support by five Democrats, declaring McCain, who was born in Colon, Panama, a natural born citizen and eligible to run for president.
However, he noted Birtherism really began with Obama himself, whereas in 1991 his bio for his literary agent declared he was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.
Although other changes were made to his bio, being born in Kenya remained unchanged until two weeks after he announced his run for president in 2007. His bio was then changed to say he was born in Hawaii.
Lichter said when they met with Trump on April 8, 2011, Trump predicted Obama would release a fake birth certificate.
On April 27, 2011, Obama did just that.
After meeting with Arpaio regarding the eligibility issue and what appeared to be a forged birth certificate, Arpaio decided to turn the investigation over to his Cold Case Posse and its lead investigator Mike Zullo.
Arpaio, who said he spent 30 years as a federal law enforcement agent, said the biggest mistake he ever made was in 1992 when he first ran for Maricopa County Sheriff and said the sheriff should be appointed not elected.
Because he is elected, Arpaio said he reports to the four million citizens of Maricopa County.
So, when the Surprise Tea Party came to him asking about the birth certificate, Arpaio said he could have thrown it away but decided to investigate.
He acknowledged Zullo for the work he has done as a volunteer and called him a hero.
Arpaio said, “I don’t care where Obama is from, we’re looking at a forged document. When you start an investigation, you should try to complete it.”
An attendee raised the issue of George Soros funneling millions into Arpaio’s opponent Paul Penzone’s campaign in the general election.
Arpaio said Soros can spend his billions “but he’s not going to tell the people who they can have for sheriff.”
He joked, “Who’s Soros? I’ve got the president and Holder after me.”
Arpaio, who has backed Trump since day one, said their birthdays are on the same day, July 14, Flag Day, although 14 years apart.
He said Trump was a great guy with a great heart and when he learned Arpaio’s wife was diagnosed with cancer, he called her numerous times.
Arpaio did note he has a tough race ahead of him but he doesn’t believe they will run him out of office.
He said, “People are why I’ve survived as sheriff for 24 years.”
Arpaio said he was angry with Kaepernick’s disrespect for the flag and closed by saying, “Trump’s character is going to drive him to do what he says he will.”
Zullo said Arpaio has taken a lot of ribbing over the birth certificate issue, but he was fully engaged and on top of the investigation.
Zullo called the media intellectually dishonest, noting they all came to the press conferences where the evidence was disclosed in detail.
But rather than report the facts, because it didn’t align with their agenda, there was a complete blackout.
Zullo went to Hawaii to verify the authenticity of birth certificate released by Obama. However the state of Hawaii refused to validate it as authentic.
Zullo said, “You don’t get the interest of George Soros if you’re the sheriff of a Podunk,” and urged citizens to do whatever they can to get the sheriff elected.
He said he was assured by someone high up at Kapiolani Medical Center in Hawaii that the birth never took place there, no one will come forward officially on the record.
“You guys weren’t wrong,” said Zullo. “You can only come to one conclusion,” about the birth certificate being a forgery.
He said what was released wasn’t ever a document just computer created.
Discussing Trump’s candidacy, Zullo said, “This country needs him.”
He said it might be just as well they couldn’t get anywhere with their investigation through Congress. After all, they would have only passed it on to Holder, or now Lynch, to prosecute.
Zullo reiterated the investigation isn’t over.
Regarding FBI Director James Comey letting out a scathing indictment over Hillary Clinton’s emails and then not recommending indictment, Zullo said what he read what Comey did as saying, “We know. We can’t.”
Zullo said, “The man’s hands were clearly tied.”
As far as Obama’s forged documents go, Zullo stated his report is scathing and said, “However this turns out, I have been so honored to have served you in this capacity.”