Colin Kaepernick

Colin Kaepernick has every right to pop off on his own time, when he’s not at work.  However, the gutless National Football League bosses have every right to tell him to cut the political crap when he’s in his employer’s stadium, wearing his employer’s work clothes, and on his employer’s time.  Moral cowardice keeps them from doing so when an African-American convert to Islam decides to put on a petulant, anti-American display while out national anthem is being played.

Think what would happen if a sales lady at Saks Fifth Avenue came to work wearing a big button saying “ABORTION IS MURDER.”  Her boss would quickly tell her that she could wear that button after hours and away from her place of employment, but she damn well can’t wear it at work.  Take it off right now, or you’re fired!  None of us has a right to involve an employer in our political, or religious, causes.  Under the First Amendment, the employer has every right to say, “Knock it off when you’re at work.”

One reason why sports are so popular in America today is because sports honor and reward pure skill in a fiercely competitive field.  No affirmative action on the playing field!  No political correctness in picking a starting line-up.  It’s skill, skill, and skill alone.

Alas, those front office clowns who own, and run, America’s sports industry display gross moral cowardice when making decisions involving political correctness.  They’d quickly be out of business if they made the same politically correct decisions about who will suit up for action on the playing field.

Bill Sumner
