According to PVT South

Dearly Beloved, on Sunday, September 4 Obama went to Beijing China for a G-20 Summit Meeting and on purpose no staircase was provided for our President to make his official descent from the plane. Air Force One has a portable back door for the White House Staff and our Armature In Chief was forced to use it. If Obama had any balls he would have left Beijing without getting off, embarrassing China instead of We The People. The liberal press downplayed the incident but if that had been President Reagan, Bush 41 or 43 it would have been front page stuff.

Now it is Labor Day Monday and Donna Brazil had as nice article in the USA Today about her new assignment as Interim Chairman of the Democratic Party. How come cute little Debbie Schultz was canned opening day of the convention, because she rigged the convention for Hillary? (Sorry Bernie) Okay, the day she was fired Hillary hired her to work for her campaign. (So long live the Queen.) Donna Brazil also worked for Big Al Gore in his 2000 campaign, but the press failed to go back any further because Miss Brazil was fired during the Dukakis Campaign by his campaign manager. Miss Brazil put out a big lie about Bush 41 and got caught. (You can check it out.) The Democrats still believe (a lie is as good as the truth if everyone believes it). It got Obama elected and unfortunately re-elected (and you can keep your doctor). Remember Harry Reid on the senate floor stated that Mitt Romney didn’t pay his taxes for ten years and the press and news media just looked the other way even though they knew that was a lie.

The United States has been a number one world power for 70 years thanks to 16 million white men winning WWII. Okay, the sands of time have shifted to the liberal side, so can you see today’s young people winning WWII all over again? Remember Woodstock, (make love not war) that’s basically when it started and no one was paying attention. George Washington stated “In time of peace prepare for war” and that Dearly Beloved, is how you keep your powder dry.

PVT South
