Newt Gingrich:

Please be advised that I am a Republican Candidate for U.S. Congress, CD-6 in Arizona.

Any money I donate will be directly to Donald Trump, not to NRSC.

At this time, I am also trying to raise funds for my campaign.

In the meantime, tell the Donald to stop this insane fighting with this Muslim “stalker” who if he ever even READ the Constitution, would have his head chopped off as the Koran (which is 85 percent Sharia Law) requires! Talk about hypocrisy?!?! Because the Koran is 85 percent Sharia Law, it is NOT REALLY A RELIGION, IT’S A LAW and therefore does NOT deserve to be protected under the First Amendment!! If you are a Muslim, you MUST believe in the Koran. If you believe in the Koran, you’re a Muslim! Even “liar Hillary Clinton’s” the so called “good Muslims” will in the long run back the Jihads that have been going against Western Civilization NON STOP for over 1300 years (622 AD in Mecca)!! PLEASE do your “due diligence” and KNOW the history of whom wants to conquer the ENTIRE WORLD!!!

Q. Just what is the “MORAL equivalency” between the WORDS Donald Trump may have used (in today’s insane world of political correctness) that don’t “fit in” vs. the RECORDED DEEDS of Hillary Rodham Clinton where people, LOTS OF PEOPLE, have died because of this psychopath’s compulsion for lying?! It’s like comparing “J-walking” to mass murder!!!

Captain Russ Wittenberg

Candidate for U.S. Congress, 6th CD, Arizona