August 3 – 9, 2016


Stargazer-VivianCarolFor All Signs: Venus, goddess of love, beauty and harmony, is traversingtroubled waters. This is a time that will test the strength of our relationships. Dormant or hidden tensions that are gnawing at the edges of any relationship are likely to become apparent now. Make an effort to recognize the difference between ego conflicts and genuine difference of opinion. In ego conflicts we posture and wave our feathers. One or both seek control. We operate with false pride and do battle. If the differences are profound, we may begin the process of disengagement. Alternatively, we can back up to think and then regroup later when tensions are not so high. This aspect may be prominent for a month or so. It began last week and continues through the second week in August.

Aries: Use particular caution with your body this week. Your reflexes may be tested at the time you least expect. If you have a health episode, the source can be traced to activities of Nov. 2015 that are now showing results. It is possible you will feel challenged by your job or coworkers. See the lead paragraph for more information.

Taurus: Give attention to the lead paragraph. The relationship challenge concerns a lover or possibly a child. If it is a lover, then the prompting trouble may have to do with intimacy or the sharing of resources. You will find a solution if this is a truly ongoing relationship. This could be a turning point that tests your level of commitment.

Gemini: Relationships to partner, whether business or personal, and family are strained at present. If you feel discomfort, look for the assumption or the illusion that is cracking. It is painful. The relationship will ultimately be improved by the honesty or the alternative, broken. Either way, you will be in better condition long term.

Cancer: Your mind and heart are clearly in sync at this time. You are likely at peace with yourself. There is a solid and practical solution at hand and you do not have to quarrel with yourself over it. You may feel a need to write about your feelings or communicate thoughts of the heart to others. Siblings, roommates, and/or neighbors may be on your mind.

Leo: This may be a week in which you have no choice but to take care of others. The needs are too great to let go of the responsibility. The only way out is to become ill, which is often a culturally accepted solution. Even so, you may feel guilty for opting out. It feels like a no-win situation, but it will be improved by next week. Breathe deeply…..

Virgo: This is not the best week for the peace loving Virgo. Turmoil involving home, hearth and family is on the front burner. Hundreds of details clutter your path. Either an elderly relative or aging property is requiring your attention and the need is immediate. Take a deep breath and tackle each thing as it develops. You’ll get through this soon.

Libra: Your carefully maintained peace may go flying this week. There are signs of metal or machines breaking. Drive and handle tools carefully. Do not press yourself to do more than you can readily accomplish. There might be a clash between you and a sibling, neighbor or a roommate. Walk and talk on the mature side for a smooth landing.

Scorpio: In the fall of 2015 you opened your life to a new person, whom you consider a friend. This is a time of evaluation. If this friend has been good in your life, then make an effort to get beyond a problem between you at this time. The “friend” may be represented by an organization that you helped to begin, or a group with who you have shared time and work together.

Sagittarius: In the fall of 2015 you began something new in your career or life direction. Many things have happened since that time, some up and others not so good. At this time there is a test of your commitment. It may come in the form of a challenge from your partner or the legal underpinnings that are required to make forward motion. Check your feelings. Is this really the direction for you?

Capricorn: Beware of the tendency to obsess and worry over matters that may never happen. You are tempted to see the world through a dark lens this week and you may think that is the true version. It’s more likely that the pessimistic view is extreme. If there is something you can actually do to make things better, then hop on it. Otherwise set it on the back burner for review at a later time.

Aquarius: There are issues related to resources, whether property, money or time. Someone in the mix is not being quite honest but it is unclear just which one that is. You need to check your feelings. If you feel resentful about something, then maybe someone has been using you. It is all right to draw a boundary there.

Pisces: Take especially good care of yourself this week. A false accusation or a rumor about you or your partner may cause you considerable worry at this time. The probability is that it is based only upon the assumption of a third party. The reason you worry is that you and one or more significant others have not communicating well.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. There is a fee for services. Blog: http//