
All candidates for the Presidency signed an agreement to support whoever is nominated.  Now, some of these candidates have reneged on their pledge which is disgraceful.

Where is the honor, integrity and character of those who did not honor their pledge?

As such, I think Cruz, Kasich, Bush, Graham, and maybe Rubio should not be allowed to ever again run under the Republican banner.

You might also add Rove and Romney to the list of people not being considered Republican.

Most people would agree that when you make a pledge, you honor that pledge because your word is your bond.

This is exactly what our founding fathers did because they pledged, “our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor” when forming the United States of America.

Some of these brave patriots paid a dear price for that pledge but they never wavered…not one of these men dishonored their pledge even though some lost their lives and many lost their fortunes, but none lost their sacred honor.

John Shields
