Statistics on who is killing who, why and solutions

bruce mcneil

OK, my life is not a number although I am numbered and have several of them.

The heart of this country is sour. The attitude of this country is apathy. People have no appreciation or sense.

Apathy breads hatred. Hatred is anger. Anger is rooted in fear.

You don’t care about me so I don’t care about you and while I am at it I don’t care about the sanctity of life so I am going to push you out of my way, smash my car into you or just shoot you because you have something I want so give it to me or die or die with me while I try to take out as many others with me as possible.

Me first, me first, me first, nana nana boo boo, you stupid doormat.

People have turned into savage animals.

Angry screaming whites, blacks, browns, yellows, greens & purples are a symptom of low and no employment with no hope for the future.

If all those pissed off folks were constructive and productive within a workplace that provided a reasonable income, a home and a family they would not have time to be pissed off, getting stoned, drunk, thieving and demanding more free stuff.

Where have all the jobs gone? Many of them have gone overseas.

Leftist libtards want more taxes, more, more, more, including more corporate tax to provide for more welfare.

More free stuff.

All I hear from the welfare crowd is give me more give me more give me more or we will rise up and take it from you by force.

No indication from these folks that they would rather have a job, have an income, a family, raise a family, rent or buy a home.

It does not help when we watch TV and see how some movie star just spent $200 million on a wedding, a party, a house, an engagement ring or a freak show sex change operation while driving a $200,000 SUV towing offroad toys in Malibu and rear ending the car in front of them, while on the phone, likely because that person “was in my way.”

Never mind it was bumper to bumper traffic to begin with.

It does not help when we become aware that some other billionaire mogul, full of unremitting bullshit, is observed lecturing and demanding that the USA or Angela Merkel take in more refugees on their own dime from the comfort of his $100 million Lake Como home. Hmmmm… 5 mansions, 3 in Europe and 1 just purchased in Britain for $10 million British pounds. Total hypocrite, quintessential embarrassment George Clooney. GC has not taken in one refugee.

By the way, his new movie does not feature one single black actor, although he publicly denigrates Hollywood on diversity. No wonder why people are so pissed off.

Again, hypocrisy and lying breed sour attitudes, apathy and anger, nourishing the roots of fear.

Solutions. If you are going to bitch and complain you better be a part of the solution!

1. Match the overseas corporate tax rates, which drove corporate America offshore to begin with, move companies back to the USA and put Americans back to work.

a. Wake up folks, there is already sales tax revenues to be had, payroll tax revenues to be had. Something is a lot better than nothing.

2. Remove our embarrassment for the need of charities that support wounded veterans by forcing that foreign country, where the injury occurred, to pay for that wounded veteran for the rest of his life and his family’s lives! Include military and veterans alike that are wounded on U.S. soil.

3. Laws that are passed that result in harm to the citizens of the U.S.A., are to be litigated against the entities that wrote and passed those laws in the first place and those entities are to be held personally financially accountable.

a. This is already done with drug dealers and medical insurance fraud persons. Take their assets and sell them.

4. Tell the truth & stop lying.

5. Obey the law. Enforce the law. Obey contracts.

6. Elect a president that can tell the truth instead of kneeling down before one who cannot tell the truth.

7. Be prepared to be self-sustaining, include helping your neighbor to be so as well. The government is not there to be your nanny. There are dozens more points to be stated, need to abbreviate somewhere.

8. Stop worshipping Hollywood.

At the core, every human loves himself, herself, their families, and their neighbor otherwise there would be no tears when there is death. Think about that!

Since the world has gotten too crowded and too expensive forcing people to live like rats resulting in their outlets being disastrously destructive, it is time to pull in our collective ranks and behave like WE THE PEOPLE.

Recall that the United States was founded, in part, on the principal of freedom from religious persecution.


Commandment: “That you Love one another as I have loved you”, Jesus Christ.

Actually an effortless principal to live by.

The effort first starts with you.