We can take back America

Let me ask a simple question, do the Democrat or Republican Party really represent you? Does your Member of Congress or your U.S. Senator represent you? If you’re honest, the answer to both questions is no, unless you are a very big political donor, they don’t represent you. You may have voted for them but when they get to Washington they represent those who paid for their campaign, not you.

Here is another question, do you think it’s time, “WE THE PEOPLE,” should take America? If you are like me, you most likely answered, yes, it is time to take back our government.

Now for a hard question, how do we take back our country? We don’t have the deep pockets that those big campaign contributors have, therefore, paying them to represent us is out of the question. We could have an armed revolution, we do have the Second Amendment and the right to keep and bear arms, but who do we fight, our own Army, our own police? Is blowing up a federal building and killing our fellow citizens the answer? I don’t think so. If we try to take back our country by force we will loss. We the people do have one powerful weapon that we can use to take back our government however, which is our vote.

I’m not going to try to sell you on any particular candidate or party. We all have our own political ideology and preferences. If we keep voting for the same old parties and the same old incumbents politicians however and they don’t represent us, why should we continue to vote for them? These elected officials are supposed to be representing us, but they are not. Time to throw the bums out, all of them, Democrats and Republicans. We the people do or should have more then the two major political parties to choose from. What do you think would happen if we the people started voting for third parties that were more representative of our views then the Democrat or Republican Parties? Conservative could give their vote to the Constitution Party, Libertarians to the Libertarian Party and Progressives to the Green Party. And if there wasn’t a third party, what if we voted for the other party then that of the incumbent. If you have a Democrat incumbent and no third party to vote for, vote for the Republican. If you have a Republican incumbent and no third party to vote for, then vote for the Democrat. We might not be able to vote them all out of office but, we sure would get their attention, and maybe, just maybe, they might remember who they are supposed to be representing, “WE THE PEOPLE.”

I’m just one citizen, a Marine Corps Vietnam veteran, I have seen men die in the line of duty for this country. My vote is worth just one vote. If all of us who truly care about our country and who want to take it back were to vote for third parties that represent our views or vote for the candidate from the other party of the incumbent, who isn’t representing us, we may be starting down a road that will give us our country back and without having to fire a shot.

For God and country.

Bob Haran